Management & Leadership
Management and Leadership
The ability to motivate and inspire a team above and beyond what they felt was possible is the hallmark of a great leader.
Many people do not set out to become a leader, it is thrust upon them. Great employees who have excelled at their career in a non-management role all of a sudden find themselves in the position of leadership and management with little or no training on how to be an effective leader.
Like all things, it is hard to know the right way to proceed if no one has shown you the way. Giving your leaders and managers the basic understandings of how to deal with people in a respectful, collaborative manner while still maintaining the role of a leader is fundemental to a sucessful team.
Some of the skills that are addressed in this course include:
Leading by Example
Setting the tone for your teams performance
Goals and Expectations
Creating a clear view
One on One Management
Goal setting, Coaching and expectations
Creating Respect
Listening with intent
Dealing with non performance
Difficult people
Ensuring that your people have the management and leadership training they need to succeed will benefit the bank, its employees and in the end the customers they serve.
Case Study
The Problem:
Lack of clarity in objectives
Poor communication
Our Solutions:
When implemented properly, a one-on-one system of management can help create a team where all the members are certain of purpose.
The most destructive force to any team is lack of understanding and clarity. When an employee does not have clearly stated objectives, is empowered to create solutions, and confirmation that they are on the right path it leads to uncertainty and doubt resulting in bad attitudes and underperformance.
By implementing a proven, collaborative, repeatable management structure it allows employees to succeed and managers to achieve the banks goals.